Wednesday 9 March 2011

Fantasy Art Class Week 7 8th March

Good work to everyone who turned up to class this week. Here's a recap of this weeks class.
Before commencing on the final piece, I produced a few thumbnail layouts and colour schemes to help me decide on the chance of colour and layout.

Start by dividing the page with a vertical centre line. The rectangular shape is where the figure will sit.

This drawing is really simple, no dramatic action, so all the attitude will be in the pose. Take care to get the angle of the hips and shoulders right.

When drawing the face, keep it simple. Take a close look at the eyes, nose and mouth, notice it is accomplished using a minimum of line work.

Here, the hair, clothing and cape has been added. Keep the hair simple and the shape of the cape uncomplicated.

Here, the detail for the gauntlet has been added. Feel free to create your own design.

Once you have finished the pencil layout you can ink over the drawing. This image was inked using a fabre castell brush pen

Now add the colour of your choice to the character. Shading can be added using a grey marker, if you are using inks or gouache.

Finish off by applying highlights to give that extra lift to your drawing.

Here is some excellent work from last weeks exercise.






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