Wednesday, 4 July 2012

WEEK 10 -3RD JULY 2012

I'll probably post a more detailed  review of this final class of term exercise later but I just want to give you guys a chance to do your own thing drawing on all the stuff we've covered the past 10 weeks.
Ok, so this is as much as I'm giving you on this piece for at least two weeks . If you are producing a black and white ink drawing, consider what we have discussed about negative space. Think about the use of solids to define a shape and  the use of white to  create depth and prevent the image form  looking flat or becoming lost.
If you are producing a colour drawing, remember what was discussed about the use of a cool pallet for night time and a full moon and a warm pallet for daytime and a warm yellow sun.
Ok, have fun and post you work on facebook and deviant art . I will try to blog as much as I can (workload permitting) over the summer holiday period so keep checking back to see what's new.